Medical Billing Software
Medical Billing Software

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Happy Dumpling Day , 端午節快樂

Wish you all have a happy dumpling day !

Wrap rice dumpling.

Cook rice dumpling.
Eat rice dumpling

Friday, May 26, 2006

ATM Warning from Bank Negara

1.) Equipment being installed on front of existing bank card slot.

2.) The equipment as it appears installed over the normal ATM bank slot.

3.) The PIN reading camera being installed on the ATM is housed in an innocent looking leaflet enclosure.

4.)The camera shown installed and ready to capture PIN's by looking down on the keypad as you enter your PIN

Please give wide publicity !

Bank ATM's Converted to Steal IDs of Bank Customers

A team of organized criminals are installing equipment on legitimate bank ATM's in at least 2 regions to steal both the ATM card number and the PIN. The team sits nearby in a car receiving the information transmitted wirelessly over weekends and evenings from equipment they install on the front of the ATM (see photos). If you see an attachment like this, do not use the ATM and report it immediately to the bank using the phone on the front of the ATM.

The equipment used to capture your ATM card number and PIN are cleverly disguised to look like normal ATM equipment. A "skimmer" is mounted to the front of the normal ATM card slot that reads the ATM card number and transmits it to the criminals sitting in a nearby car.

At the same time, a wireless camera is disguised to look like a leaflet holder and is mounted in a position to view ATM PIN entries.

The thieves copy the cards and use the PIN numbers to withdraw thousands from many accounts in a very short time directly from the bank ATM.

Tell more people>>>>>>

Monday, May 22, 2006

元帅爷公圣诞千秋 , part (1)

Tanjung Sepat 『顺天宫』

三月十八日 , 三十六元帥之一 “铁元帅爷公” 圣诞千秋; 同 田府元帅 ,中坛元帅, 五营元帅,

五雷元帅, 關聖帝君 ,齐天大圣爷 等等 代天出巡

祈求 风调雨顺,国泰民安

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Mini Olympic : Baby Challenge You !!

watch the video , click on the image .

Sport item : Baby doing Sit-UP !
Challengers requirement : Age between 5 months to 8 months

Friday, May 19, 2006

The Art Of Kissing

The dictionary says that a kiss is "a salute made by touching with the lips pressed closely together and suddenly parting them." From this it is quite obvious that, although a dictionary-may know something about words, it knows nothing about kissing.
If we are to get the real meaning of the word kiss, instead of going to the old fogies who compile dictionaries, we should go to the poets who still have the hot blood of youth coursing in their veins. For, instance, Coleridge called a kiss, "nectar breathing." Shakespeare says that a kiss is a "seal of love." Martial, that old Roman poet who hid ample opportunity to do research work on the subject, says that a kiss was "the fragrance of balsam extracted from aromatic trees; the rise odor yielded by the teeming saffron; the perfume of fruits mellowing in their winter buds; the flowery meadows in the summer; amber warmed by the hand of a girl; a bouquet of flowers that attracts the bees."
Yes, a kiss is all of these ... and more.
Others have said that a kiss was: the balm of love; the first and last of joys; love's language; the seal of bliss; love's tribute; the melting sip; the nectar of Venus; the language of love.
Yes, a kiss is all of these . . . and more.
For a kiss can never be absolutely defined. Because each kiss is different from the one before and the one after. just as no two people are alike, so are no two kisses alike. For it is people who make kisses. Real, live people pulsating with life and love and extreme happiness.

To know more different kinds of kisses

Click Here !

To see many of kissing images , lets visit the images provided by google as below :-

Thursday, May 18, 2006

My Home Town , Rich of Nature Resources

Do u want to know about the Tanjung sepat more detail ? FOLLOW HERE

How does the mushroom plantation firm looks like ??

What is the taste of " Sea Food Bak Kuh Teh " ??

Tanjung Sepat " Pau " and Kopitiam ??, a beautyfull view of " Lover bridge " , several type

of delicious food...... prawn mee , sotong , lala pan , ........ and Drangon fruit also available here..

...... many-many more things , food and places that you never been try and feel..come, lets

visit my home town, Tanjung Sepat

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Background Of FIFA World Cup

Even though FIFA was formed as early as 1904, it took them almost three decades to start a true international competition. The Olympic tournament had been the only tournament so far with world wide participation, but that was for amateurs only. However, more and more nations had adopted professionalism and "shamateurism" was creeping into the amateur game. This was apparent at the Paris Olympics in 1924, when the very "professional" Uruguay team became the first South American nation to win the title.
FIFA and the International Olympic Committee were at loggerheads over who should control the Olympic soccer tournament. FIFA announced they were the highest footballing authority and so should run a tournament claiming to be the biggest soccer event in the world. With many top nations withdrawing from the Olympics in 1928, among them Denmark and England, FIFA made a decision. They accepted the resolution of Henri Delaunay, secretary of the French FA since 1919 until his death in 1956, that a World Cup competition would be organized immediately. The acceptance of his proposal came two years after he had announced to the footballing authorities: "International football can no longer be held within the confines of the Olympics and many countries where professionalism is now recognized and organized cannot any longer be represented there by their best players." His resolution was passed by 25 votes to 5.
FIFA duly announced its plan to run its own competition, open to all affiliated countries. They did not immediately give name to the competition, but the world's press were quick to give it their own title. "World Cup", "World Soccer Championship" and "La Coupe de Monde" were favourite descriptions. Another was the "Jules Rimet Cup". Eventually that was how the World Cup officially became known, thus honouring the man who had done so much for FIFA in drumming up support amongst member nations.
By May 1929, FIFA still had not finalized plans for the first championship, although they had announced it would take place in 1930. The host nation had not been selected and as talks dragged on, it was apparent that finance was to be the biggest problem in running such a tournament, particularly if it was to be a true world championship.
Rodolfe Seeldrayers, the FIFA vice-president, proposed that the country give the honour of staging the first tournament should make funds available for (in the following order of priority) transport and accommodation expenses for referees, FIFA members and the teams. This was clearly going to be an expensive proposition for any national FA to undertake, but there were some willing takers. Holland, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Uruguay had all put their names forward, but Sweden and Holland soon withdrew and lent their support to Italy's claim. The South American nations stood by Uruguay, and the rest of the European candidates soon withdrew of various reasons.
So it was all left to Uruguay, the only remaining nominee. At last the dream was about to be realized, the date was set and the host country selected. It was a case of "Uruguay, here we come".

Friday, May 12, 2006

Lion and Tiger SEXxxxxxxxx !

Kitty 7
   狮虎(Liger = Lion + Tiger又称为“彪”是雄狮与雌虎杂交后的产物,因此与狮子和老虎一样,同是豹属的一员其样貌与狮子相似,但身上长有虎纹。
~~~~~> You Ask For It ???

Asia News : Frog Man (青蛙人)

 尼泊尔“青蛙人” 出生一小时便夭折


My advice, don't eat too many " frog "...!?@#

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tanjung Sepat " 吴 " 姓人氏 , who else ???

1、上古时已有吴姓。一是舜的后代有封在虞的,因"虞"与"吴"音相近,故舜后有吴姓。一是颛顼帝时有吴权,其后亦 有吴氏。一是少康帝时有神箭手吴贺,其后有吴姓。
吴国灭亡后,夫差的太子吴鸿被流放到江西,夫差之后还繁衍于江浙、安徽、山东、河南境内的一些地方。隋唐时期,吴氏已广泛地分布于大江南北。唐高宗时有吴姓将佐随陈政、陈元光父子入闽开辟漳州,唐僖宗时,有吴姓将佐随王审知入闽,皆在福建安家落户。宋明以后,吴氏称雄于东南,其中季扎的53世孙吴宣是后蜀驸马,家族显赫一时。吴宣的5世孙吴吉甫是吴氏入粤始祖。 吴氏迁居台湾始于1291年,入台第一人是元朝礼部员外郎吴光斗,他奉命率6000人乘船"往使琉球"(即台湾)。明朝末年以后,福建、广东沿海吴氏有许多人前往澎湖、台北、高雄等地谋生创业。发展至今,其中最为显赫的一支是吴伯雄家族。吴伯雄现任台湾国民党中央常委、台北市市长等要职,其家族号称吴氏"全台第一家"。 吴氏迁居香港,大约始于元代。 吴氏向海外拓展,最早是到日本。吴人东渡日本在公元前450年左右,其中有一支演变成日本皇室。吴氏在东渡日本的同时,还有大批人南迁,进入今越南地区。其中季扎的50世孙吴权于939年称王,建立了越南历史上最早的独立王朝--吴朝。南越政权最后一任总统吴庭艳即吴权之后。现在越南有二百多姓,吴姓为第六大姓。东汉时有吴风进入朝鲜,发展至今,吴姓称为朝鲜143个姓氏中最常见的20大姓之一。明代以后,吴姓还有人移民南洋,迁至马来西亚、菲律宾、印尼、新加坡以及泰国、缅甸等国,近代,又有人旅居欧美。
(堂号】 "延陵堂":季扎是吴王寿梦的第四子,以贤德著称,寿梦想让他继承王位,他坚辞不受,寿梦只好把他封在延陵。他的三个哥哥先后为吴王,临死时要传位给他,他仍然不接受。因此他被后人奉为"至德第三人",又因其封邑在延陵,故时人称其为"延陵季子"。 【郡望】 延陵县:西晋时分曲阿县置县。 濮阳郡:晋代时改东郡置国,西晋末改为郡。此支吴氏,其开基始祖为广平侯吴汉的裔孙吴遵。 陈留郡:西汉时置郡。此支吴氏是季扎的后裔,为东汉吴恢之族所在。 长沙郡:秦时置郡。此支吴氏系季扎之后,其开基始祖为西汉长沙王吴芮。
吴道子:唐代著名画家。被后人奉为"画圣"。其画线条遒劲雄放,变化丰富,一变古来沿袭的高古游丝描的细笔,发 展了线描的艺术方法,故表现出来的物象富有运动感、节奏感,被人们称为"吴带当风"。
吴勉:贵州黎平侗族英雄 吴 起:战国时著名军事家。卫国人。初为鲁将,继为魏将,后奔楚国,任令尹,主持变法,后被杀。
吴 广:秦末农民起义领袖。公元前209年与陈胜发动戍卒九百人起义,建立张楚政权。后为部将田臧假借陈胜命令杀害。

Friday, May 05, 2006

Happy Birthday To ** Me **


祝我生日快乐 ~ Happy Birthday To Me ~ 祝我生日快乐 ~ Happy Birthday To Me !!


Thank You 爸爸媽媽 :-


今年的生日仍過得快樂﹐。。 ... 謝謝所有跟我說「生日快樂」的人,

Monday, May 01, 2006

母亲的谎言 ( Happy Mother's Day )

One Story To Tell .................... in Tanjung Sepat ,

1儿时,小男孩家很穷,吃饭时,饭常常不够吃,母亲就把自己碗里的饭分给孩子吃。母亲说,孩子们,快吃吧,我不饿!——母亲撒 的第一个谎
    2、男孩长身体的时候,勤劳的母亲常用周日休息时间去县郊农村河沟里捞些鱼来给孩子们补钙。鱼很好吃,鱼汤也很鲜。孩子 们吃鱼的时候,母亲就在一旁啃鱼骨头,用舌头舔鱼骨头上的肉渍。男孩心疼,就把自己碗里的鱼夹到母亲碗里,请母亲吃鱼。母亲不吃 ,母亲又用筷子把鱼夹回男孩的碗里。母亲说,孩子,快吃吧,我不爱吃鱼!——母亲撒的第二个谎
    3、上初中了,为了缴够男孩和哥姐的学费,当缝纫工的母亲就去居委会领些火柴盒拿回家来,晚上糊了挣点分分钱补点家用。 有个冬天,男孩半夜醒来,看到母亲还躬着身子在油灯下糊火柴盒。男孩说,母亲,睡了吧,明早您还要上班呢。母亲笑笑,说,孩子, 快睡吧,我不困!——母亲撒的第三个谎
    4、高考那年,母亲请了假天天站在考点门口为参加高考的男孩助阵。时逢盛夏,烈日当头,固执的母亲在烈日下一站就是几个 小时。考试结束的铃声响了,母亲迎上去递过一杯用罐头瓶泡好的浓茶叮嘱孩子喝了,茶亦浓,情更浓。望着母亲干裂的嘴唇和满头的汗 珠,男孩将手中的罐头瓶反递过去请母亲喝。母亲说,孩子,快喝吧,我不渴!——母亲撒的四个谎
    5、父亲病逝之后,母亲又当爹又当娘,靠着自己在缝纫社里那点微薄收入含辛茹苦拉扯着几个孩子,供他们念书,日子过得苦 不堪言。胡同路口电线杆下修表的李叔叔知道后,大事小事就找岔过来打个帮手,搬搬煤,挑挑水,送些钱粮来帮补男孩的家里。人非草 木,孰能无情。左邻右舍对此看在眼里,记在心里,都劝母亲再嫁,何必苦了自己。然而母亲多年来却守身如玉,始终不嫁,别人再劝, 母亲也断然不听,母亲说,我不爱!——撒的五个谎
    6、男孩和她的哥姐大学毕业参加工作后,下了岗的母亲就在附近农贸市场摆了个小摊维持生活。身在外地工作的孩子们知道后 就常常寄钱回来补贴母亲,母亲坚决不要,并将钱退了回去。母亲说,我有钱!——撒的六个谎
    7、男孩留校任教两年,后又考取了美国一所名牌大学的博士生,毕业后留在美国一家科研机构工作,待遇相当丰厚,条件好了 ,身在异国的男孩想把母亲接来享享清福却被老人回绝了。母亲说,我不习惯!——撒的七个谎
    8、晚年,母亲患了胃癌,住进了医院,远在大西洋彼岸的男孩乘飞机赶回来时,术后的母亲已是奄奄一息了。母亲老了,望着 被病魔折磨得死去活来的母亲,男孩悲痛欲绝,潸然泪下。母亲却说,孩子,别哭,我不疼。——撒的最后一个谎.

To : All the sons and daughters , don't wait !! for this coming Mother's Day , buy some presents for your lovely Mum to appreciate her contribution to you. Click Here !

Happy Mother's Day , Mum , I love You !